Simple Principles to a Better Life Part Three (20110323)

So you have done something wrong, and you know it!  I understand we all have done it; we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of the Lord.  All of God’s holy prophets and all of God’s holy apostles have done things wrong too.  That is one of the things I love about God’s Holy Book; it tells it like it is.  All of God’s holy servants are just like you and me; they needed forgiveness for their sins against one another and against the Lord.

And, as a matter of fact, that is what is so cool about Christianity; it’s not that we are perfect; it is that we are forgiven.  In the midst of all our troubles, our failings, our trials and our sin, we can be forgiven.  And furthermore, so can you!  You too, can be forgiven.  So put what you would receive for yourself into practice with those around you.  And forgive; knowing you too can be forgiven.

Living Big In Jesus,
