On Being Born Again Part Eleven (20101223)

Continuing our study on being born again we read Paul’s words in Ephesians 1:13-14 saying, “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation.  Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

You may remember that in Acts 2:38 that the believers received the gift of the Holy Spirit at baptism.  Here Paul tells us that the promised Holy Spirit is a seal!  A seal is the official mark of a king upon his possessions.  A seal clearly indicates that whatever it is found upon belongs to the king.  And it is at baptism that we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit which is given as a seal indicating that those whom bear this seal belong to the King of kings.  How about you my friend, have you been baptized?  Do you have the seal of the Holy Spirit upon you indicating that you belong to Jesus?

Living Big In Jesus,
