20110518 The Woman of Noble Character Part 8 (20110518)

For a number of days we have been talking about the wife of noble character.  And it is clear that she is, indeed, a unique and gifted woman.  But, for a moment, let us stop to consider her husband.  Did you know that the word “husband” has to do with managing the activities of the home; both for all the family members as well as all the business aspects of the home.  All the grounds and gardens, all the possessions fall under the authority of the husband.

Husband…he is literally the band of provision and protection for his wife and family.  He is the first to rise and serve.  He is the first to sacrifice.  He is the first to lead.  He is the first give and to suffer if called upon to do so.  He is the one in whom all the rest find their strength and their character.  He provides the place where both his wife and his children may grow to their fullest extent in accordance with God’s gifts and blessings.  He is not so much the one who puts his family in its place as he is the one that nurtures them to be all that God created them be.  He is the husband.

Living Big In Jesus,
