20110509 The Woman of Noble Character Part 1

In Proverbs God teaches us about the qualities of a woman of noble character.   The Scriptures says “A wife of noble character who can find?  She is worth far more than rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10, NIV).

One of the first things evident is the fact that in the entire world, this kind of woman may be difficult to find.  There may be many good women in our community, but this kind of woman is rare.  And her value to her community and family far exceeds anything else this world has to offer.  She is better than diamonds, better than rubies.

The word noble means to possess high ideals or excellent moral character.  When we think of things that are noble, we think of things like: dignified, gracious, fine, decent, righteous, good, splendid, polite, and self-sacrificing.

Whenever we have been in the presence of such a noble woman, we know we ourselves, our community and our family have been graciously blessed.

Living Big In Jesus,
