Thinking of Beautiful Things

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8, NIV).

I have found it to be almost exhilarating!  Each day to rise up in the morning and to go on an expedition in search of things most worthy of my affection, attention and admiration.  What hidden treasures has the Lord placed upon my journey this day? 

Was it the first ray of sunshine breaking forth through my window pane?  Was it moonlights gentle glow?  Was it hearing my daughter sneeze (bless her)?  Was the scent of rosemary just outside the front door?  A walk down memory lane thinking about days long ago?  Anticipation of new opportunities to meet new friends along the path this afternoon?  Or, maybe just sitting here on the front porch with a friend, sharing a cup of coffee and waving at people passing by?  What beautiful people, lovely things, and gracious opportunities has God offered up to me?  A glimmer here and a glimmer there of his majesty all around.

Thank you Jesus for all these precious blessings, every one!  Thank you for reminding me that every day is an expedition, a journey of discovery, an adventure of experiencing so many beautiful things, if I will simply and humble always learn to see. 

Thinking of Jesus,
